178 213 Circuits Signals and Systems

	Credit: 3(3-0-3)	
	Date and Time: TT 12.30-14.00 EN4303
		Nawapak Eua-anant	Office: EN4113, EN4503
		Nawapak@kku.ac.th	Tel: 2153, 362160 Ext. 109, 221
	Course Outline:
		1. Chapter 1: Introduction to Signal and Systems 
		    Homework I
		2. Chapter 2: Time Domain Representations of  LTI systems
		    Homework 2
		    Homework 3
		Midterm Examination I (25%)
		July 14, 2549: 15.00-18.00 EN. 4101
		Content: Chapters 1-2
		3. Chapter 6. The Laplace Transform and its applications
		   Homework 4
		   Homework 5
		   Homework 6
		4. Chapter 7. The z-Transform and its applications
		   Homework 7
		Midterm Examination 2 (25%)
		September 8, 2549: 15.00-18.00 EN. 4101
		Content: Chapters 6-7
		5. Chapter 3 Fourier Representation of Signals 
		Final Examination (20%)
		October 1, 2549: 13.00-16.00 EN. 4101
		Content: Chapter 3
		Attendance		 	5%
		Homework			25%
		Midterm Exam I			25%
		Midterm Exam II 		25%
		Final Exam			20%
		85-100%=A, 75-85%=B+, 70-75%=B, 65-70%=C+,
		60-65%=C, 55-60%=D+, 50-55%=D, 0-50%=F
	1.   Simon Haykin and Barry Van Veen, Signals and Systems, John Wiley & Son, Inc., 
	      Second Edition, 2003.
	Course Syllabus File