178 213 Signal and System Analysis (1/2005)
178 353 Digital Image Processing (1/2005)
178 354 Digital Image Processing Laboratory (1/2005)
178 355 Discrete Time Signal Processing (2/2005)
178 356 Discrete Time Signal Processing Laboratory (2/2005)
168 250 Computer Programming for Engineer (1/2002)
372 414 Instruments of Radiological Imaging I (1/2002)
168 480 Artificial Intelligence (2/2002)
372 415 Instruments of Radiological Imaging II (2/2002)
168 481 Artificial Neural Networks (1/2003)
168 442 Introduction to Image Processing (1/2004)
168 300 Engineering Computation (1/2004)
170 121 Engineering Mathematics II (2/2004)
178 355 Discrete Time Signal Processing (2/2004) 178 356 Discrete Time Signal Processing Laboratory (2/2004)
Acknowledgement :
Thank you Mr. Sayan who has originally designed this web page. Computer Engineering Student (Senior of class 2001)
Thank you Mr. Sayan who has originally designed this web page.
Computer Engineering Student (Senior of class 2001)