Department of Computer Engineering, Khon Kaen University
Problems from UVA online and examples of solutions.
- Other problems
- July 20, 2010 (Searching and Sorting):
- July 21, 2010 (Getting Start Problems):
- July 22, 2010 (String):
- July 23, 2010 (Big Numbers):
- July 24, 2010 (Miscellaneous):
- July 25, 2010 (Number Theory):
- July 26, 2010 (Simple Geometry):
- July 27, 2010 (Miscellaneous Math):
- July 28, 2010 (***ข้อสอบภาคใต้ปีนี้***): ไม่มี test input นะครับเพราะ
- August 02, 2010 (Data Structure: Lists):
- 10050 Hartals :
Sol. by me
- 442 Matrix Chain Multiplication :
- 11234 Expressions :
- 133 The Dole Queue :
- August 03, 2010 (Data Structure: Binary Trees)
- August 04, 2010 (Data Structure: Graphs):
- 572 – Oil Deposits
- 439 - Knight Moves
- 10305 - Ordering Tasks
- 10004 - Bicoloring