- The Vector Class, which represents vectors in three dimensional space, and their related operations.
You need both the include file Vector.h
and the source code file Vector.cpp.
- The Point Class, which represents points in three dimensional space.
The points and vectors together represent an affine space.
You need both the include file Point.h
and the source code file Point.cpp.
The user must also include the Vector class for the Point class to operate correctly.
- The Frame Class represents class of coordinate frames. Each frame contains an origin and three vectors that form the axes of the frame.
You need both the include file Frame.h
and the source code file Frame.cpp.
The user must also obtain the Vector class and the Point class for these to operate correctly. If the transformation class is needed,
you should check the information on this class to see what addition classes must be obtained.
- The ListOfVectors Class, which represents a variable list or array of Vectors.
You need both the include file ListOfVectors.h and the source code file ListOfVectors.cpp.
The user must also include the Vector Class for the ListOfVectors class to operate correctly.
- The ListOfPoints Class represents a variable list or array of Points.
You need both the include file ListOfPoints.h and the source code file ListOfPoints.cpp.
The user must also include the Point class for the ListOfPoints class to operate correctly.