A Basic UNIX Tutorial

This tutorial comprises fourteen sections, each of which addresses a fundamental aspect of UNIX computing. It concentrates on illustrating the central concepts by providing short explanations, along with examples, and exercises.

Table of Contents

What Is UNIX?

A broad description of the UNIX operating system.

Accessing UNIX Systems

General methods of accessing UNIX computers.

Logging In and Logging Out

Gaining access to your UNIX account.

The UNIX Shell

How to enter UNIX commands.

Files and Directories

Storing and manipulating files.

Input/Ouput Redirection

How to manage input and ouput.

Pipelines and Filters

Creating processing pipelines.

Processes and Multitasking

Managing processes.

Interaction and Job Control

More on managing processes.

The Execution Environment

The environment under which shell commands and programs run.

Customizing the Shell

Personalizing your UNIX shell environment.

Interactive Use of the Shell

Tips and tricks to enhance your efficiency with the command line interface.

The UNIX Filesystem

A closer look at UNIX files and directories.

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