If the patient has not had the chance to find a sufficiently qualified network provider, the patient advocates for AA with the out-of-network provider before starting treatment. Sometimes an insurance company may have a “payment with the highest intra-network rate” policy, in which case you cannot negotiate the rate. You always have the option to refuse the SCA if the rate and conditions are not acceptable to you. What conditions must patients meet to obtain an agreement on a case-by-case basis? For a case-by-case agreement, you must engage as a healthcare provider for your patient`s billing with the insurance company. The purpose of ASAs is to meet the important needs of the patient; billing costs are more of a network provider. The following conditions make your patient`s case suitable for an ACS: One thing to remember is that insurance companies are legally required to offer patients appropriate treatment by trained professionals. Therefore, if the insurance plan does not cover out-of-network services and there are no networked providers with the indicated specialization, you can, as a trained provider, negotiate your usual full meeting fees for new patients. This is because the patient does not simply choose to see you, but is forced to do so with insufficient network providers. In this case, the patient usually asks the insurance for an ACS with you before starting treatment. If the patient has recently changed insurance providers, the insurance company may have a limited number of meetings (about 10) and a period (for example.B. 60 days since the change of insurance) to allow the patient to continue treatment with the current provider outside the network, while switching to a networked provider.
If there is evidence that the person might pose a danger to themselves or others, or if it affected the patient psychologically/mentally (e.g.B returns during treatment) if this is necessary to switch to a network provider, a case could be made for increased continuation of care with the current provider. Examples: a patient has an uncertain bond and it is very difficult to trust others. The already existing therapeutic relationship with the current provider can be considered as a factor in the allocation of sca. As an ABA therapy provider, you may want to consider negotiating a single case agreement (SCA) to offer services to a patient. These agreements are concluded between insurance companies and out-of-network service providers (OON) with which the OON Agency is recognized as an in-network network provider .