Discretionary Investment Management Agreement

The client understands, recognizes and accepts that the administrator can modify or modify the agreement at any time, including the addition. The manager will notify the client of such a change or change by sending an e-mail message to the client and posting the change or change on the manager`s website at www.vestoq.com. The customer agrees to be bound by the terms of such a change or change. A waiver or amendment to this Agreement cannot be implied by a transaction between the parties or by the inability of the Director or his representatives to assert his rights on any occasion or on a number of occasions. Oral agreements or other instructions are not recognized or enforceable. The client grants the manager a complete and unlimited discretionary trade authorization and appoints the manager as an agent and lawyer with respect to the account. Under such an authorization, the administrator may, at his sole discretion and at the client`s risk, purchase, sell, exchange and exchange other securities, commodities, precious metals, currencies and other investments in the account, make the delivery and payment in connection with the account and act on behalf of the client in all other necessary or incidental matters to the settlement of the account. The client understands that the manager will execute trades without first consulting the customer. The client recognizes that the manager may decide to allocate all or part of the fund among different investment alternatives, including, but not limited to,: (i) individual debt and/or equity securities; (ii) investment funds and/or (iii) ETF funds.

This bargaining authorization is maintained and remains fully in effect and in effect until the termination by the client or administrator pursuant to Dense12, entitled “Duration and termination.” The termination of this authorization constitutes a termination of the contract. The investment manager`s strategy may include the purchase of a large number of securities in the market, provided it matches his client`s risk profile and financial objectives. For example, discretionary investment managers may purchase securities such as stocks, bonds, ETFs and financial derivatives. The client recognizes that the manager`s investment recommendations carry some risk. The client recognizes that all investment activities in the fund are done at the client`s own risk, which may result in the loss of the client`s investment capital, annual income and/or tax benefits. The client acknowledges that the manager does not claim to be able to accurately predict the future short-term performance of a fund or asset class. The client recognizes that the manager must be evaluated before recommending specific investment opportunities to the client. When assessing judgments, the manager agrees to make reasonable efforts to verify the sources of information that he considers valuable, accurate and reliable. The client recognizes that the manager cannot investigate all publicly available sources of information and not. The client acknowledges that the manager is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of the information provided by the customer manager or another party.

The client recognizes that federal and regional laws limit the manager`s use and disclosure of non-public information.